SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)

We enjoy role-playWhat we provide for all children:

Cognition and learning

  • A focus on child initiated learning opportunities and active learning
  • Adult support – providing extra support where needed, reinforce learning
  • Individual planning
  • Observation and assessment procedures, narrative observations, photo evidence, annotation of work samples, quotes.
  • Keyworker for each child
  • Awareness of different learning styles

Communication and interaction

  • Adults modelling appropriate language
  • Visual learning –  prompts
  • Active participation, action songs/rhymes and singing
  • Role play
  • Circle time

Behavioural, emotional and social

  • High expectations and good adult role models e.g. manners
  • Rules and routines
  • Praise
  • Circle time
  • Quiet times and spaces, book corner
  • Turn taking and sharing opportunities
  • Displays of work
  • Children’s responsibilities e.g. helpers
  • Adult support

Sensory and physical

  • Effective use of space – organised into areas of learning
  • Mark making area
  • Fine motor resources, jigsaws, small construction, small world, threading
  • Gross motor resources eg PE and outdoor equipment, large building blocks, music and movement time
  • Sensory resources
  • Sensory activities such as crafts and cookery


How do the staff at Jack and Jill preschool know if children need extra help and how do they identify SEN?

At Jack and Jill we identify children’s needs through liaison with parents and carers before and during a child’s time with us; our keyworker system and observation recording which helps us to track progress. We liaise with other settings if appropriate.

All staff receive regular training. We seek advice from other agencies and welcome them into our setting. Parents are invited to our preschool to meet with other agencies after they have visited. We keep parents fully informed.

How will staff at Jack and Jill preschool support my child?

All additional support is overseen by our senco and our manager. All staff are involved in setting targets and working with outside agencies and parents. We ensure frequency of visits by outside agencies is matched to the child’s individual needs. If we feel that an intervention is not effective we will act quickly and discuss this with parents.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

All staff are clear on the expectations of high quality provision for all pupils regardless of ability and this is monitored at staff meetings. We value child initiated learning and children’s current interests. These can provide starting points for topics. We have regular meetings with outside agencies which help us to monitor our plans and reflect on the best next steps.

How will you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We observe and track progress by our assessment procedures. We regularly liaise with parents about progress and next steps. Parents are encouraged to look at their child’s individual learning journals. These contain, observations, photos and samples of work. Regular liaison provides parents with information about how to support their child at home.

We always support parents and arrange contact with other agencies for support. Parents are very welcome to come into our classroom every morning. Parental help is also welcome. This allows parents the opportunity to discuss progress. Parents are actively involved in our planning. We support all agencies and welcome parents in to observe their child during a session providing additional support.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well being at Jack and Jill preschool?

The wellbeing of children is our priority. Staff are regularly updated in safeguarding children, child protection and medical needs. We provide personal care and we have a policy on the administration of medicines. Behaviour is closely monitored. We have a positive approach to this. All staff support the settings ethos and high expectations. We listen to the children and the child’s views are sometimes sought in an informal way.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Jack and Jill preschool?

We promote professional development and staff receive regular training. We have strong relationships with other professionals in education, health and social care. Support accessed includes, speech and language therapy, portage, behaviour support, occupational therapy and educational psychologist.

What training are the staff supporting children having

All staff are regularly updated about SEN and disability. We invest in training. We apply for extra inclusion funding when appropriate.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom

At Jack and Jill we are very proud of our close links with parents and we work with them to ensure inclusion for all our children. Our SEN policy promotes the involvement of all our children in all aspects of the curriculum.

How accessible is the preschool environment?

Our equality policy describes our positive approach to ensuring equality and accessibility. We have a commitment to the local community and we value and respect diversity in our setting.

We will do our very best to meet the needs of all children. This may involve making reasonable adjustments to improve access to the curriculum. Risk assessments and evacuation plans are in place to keep vulnerable children safe.

How will the setting prepare and support children to transfer to primary school?

We have established relationships with feeder schools. We welcome teachers from our feeder schools to visit children in our setting. Staff would be available to accompany children to their new school when invited. We meet with teachers to discuss SEN which have been identified or any concerns we may have. This may involve passing on as much knowledge about the child as possible to enable staff to put strategies in place.

How are the preschool’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special needs?

We will apply for extra funding and inclusion funding from WSCC where necessary.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

We believe support can have a huge impact on  pupils outcomes. We would apply for inclusion funding which would fund additional staff support. The childs provision would be reviewed on a termly basis to judge the impact on the child’s progress.

How are parents involved in the preschool. Can I be involved?

Parents are actively encouraged to be involved in our setting. We regularly involve parents and families in discussions about their child’s learning and next steps. We provide regular contact and seek feedback at every opportunity.

Who can i contact for further information?

Please contact the manager on 01342 313907 for further information. She will be happy to arrange a visit and to provide further information.